
5/19/2024 12:24:06 PM - 5/19/2024 12:24:06 PM

Fryszer takes the blame on himself

By Piotr Fryszer - Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 4:02:13 PM

Fans of Metz have all reasons to be frustrated and angry as their pupils have failed to take promotion to A2. Metz's manager has admitted, that it's only because of his faults and bad transfer decisions. He was asking fans to not insult players on lack of dedication, determination and proper mentality. "They are the best guys, that I could manage in my manager career. I can guarantee, that they did their best and gave all their hearts out to make our fans proud of this big club. I am the only one person, who should be blamed for this failure"- Fryszer has claimed.
Ahead of Metz there is another season. If they won't
take promotion again, Fryszer has announced he's going to leave. Though he hopes new players should provide to Metz a lot of more quality and to help fans of Metz make their dream come true. "If that won't happen, that means I didn't deserve to be a manager in such a great club. In that case I wish all the best to another manager of Metz. This club definitely belongs to higher division than B4"- Fryszer has firmly concluded.

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